I kind of hit a wall this week. Living and working abroad as a homeless #digital…

I kind of hit a wall this week. Living and working abroad as a homeless #digitalnomad…. well thats my lifestyle by choice and 99% of the time I honestly could not be more pleased with my all decisions which led me here. 99% of the time I wake up in the morning with a smile on my face and lots of energy (for me thats almost always true even regardless of how much I slept the night before) because 99% of the time Im quite happy and very optimistic. . Did you know that when youre sad your body needs more sleep? Maybe it was saying goodbye to my good friends who I got used to having around me 24/7 maybe it was the fact that I used up way too much energy last weekend; maybe it was that I know a big change is coming up in a few days (when I leave Brazil for Colombia) or maybe I was just having one of my semi-regular overly-analytical phases at a weak moment the kind where I imagine myself as a little blue dot on a map and then I zoom out and out and out and see how FAR away I am from everyone and everything Ive ever known and just think why and what am I even doing here? > Can any other travelers/nomads relate? . Since I was able to hold a pen any time in my life that Ive felt a little bit low I would write about it. Traditionally Ive kept it to myself in a private journal but seeing as I started to share a lot more about my life on Instagram this year and have started to reach a lot more people who seem to be genuinely curious about what its like to live this way I figured I might as well share with you the down moments as well as the ups. There arent as many of them but they definitely happen; and when they do everything feels more difficult. . I know myself well enough to recognize when Im in a rut and need self care. Whenever that time comes I allow myself to retreat and become an introvert. I sleep in and take naps I eat healthy foods and I make an effort to be out in the sun (and by the sea when possible). Everyones got their own medicine Whats yours? . . . . P.S. Im feeling much better now! Thanks for reading #TGIF #nomadlife#happyfriday #selfcare #digitalnomadlifestyle

Source by cbellamlr


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